thread 'actor'
wait 0
if and
05EE: key_pressed 49//VK_...
jf @actor_19
04C4: create_coordinate 1@ 2@ 3@ from_actor $PLAYER_actor offset 1.0 0.0 0.0
11@ = Actor.Create(Gang7, #PGA, 1@, 2@, 3@)
$1307 = Marker.CreateAboveActor(11@)
01B2: give_actor 11@ weapon 27 ammo 9999 // Load the weapon model before using this
01DE: tie_actor 11@ to_actor $player_actor
0243: set_actor 11@ ped_stats_to 6
011A: set_actor 11@ flags 64
011A: set_actor 11@ flags 16
$1444 = actor.Health(11@)
02E2: set_actor 11@ weapon_accuracy_to 100
actor.Health(11@) = 850
$1444 = actor.Health(11@)
04F7: status_text $1444 0 line 1 'TEXT4'
not actor.Dead(11@)
$1444 = actor.Health(11@)
0151: remove_status_text $1444
wait 1000
jump @actor_10
Как сделать чтоб созданный охранник после смерти игрока подбегал к нему(когда актер подъезжает к нему на машине) ?